7 Superfoods to Eat After 50

7 Superfoods to Eat After 50
7 Superfoods to Eat After 50

As we age, lifestyle factors have a huge impact on how we feel as we get older. Eating a nutritious diet packed with superfoods is one of the best ways to support your health after 50. Certain foods are especially beneficial because they are high in nutrients that may help reduce disease risk and promote overall wellness.

In this article, we will explore 7 superfoods that are great to incorporate into your diet as you enter your 50s and beyond. Each one provides unique health benefits that can help you feel your best. Keep reading to learn about blueberries, salmon, broccoli, beans, turmeric, garlic, and dark chocolate—seven foods that can truly supercharge your diet after 50.


Blueberries top the list of superfoods to eat after 50 because they are loaded with antioxidants. Specifically, blueberries contain anthocyanins, which give them their deep blue color and help protect cells from damage. As we age, our cells naturally accumulate more oxidative stress and damage over time due to environmental toxins and other factors. Antioxidants like anthocyanins neutralize these free radicals to help prevent further cell damage.

Blueberries may also help support brain health as we age. Multiple studies have linked blueberry consumption to cognitive benefits in older adults thanks to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When researchers looked at cognitive function test results of older adults who consumed blueberry juice or blueberry extract capsules for 12 weeks, they found significant improvements compared to a control group who did not consume blueberries.

Beyond brain health, blueberries may also help reduce the risk of heart disease due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Population studies show that higher intakes of anthocyanin-rich fruits like blueberries are associated with lower odds of heart attack and stroke.

Eating just 1⁄2 cup of blueberries per day provides powerful antioxidants to support overall health as we age. Enjoy them fresh, frozen, or in baked goods and smoothies. Their sweet flavor makes it easy to get your daily serving.


Like most types of fatty fish, salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA. As we age, it becomes increasingly important to obtain omega-3s in our diet since our bodies naturally produce less. Research suggests that higher omega-3 intake is linked to a reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline and conditions like Alzheimer's disease. Omega-3s also benefit heart health by lowering inflammation and reducing triglyceride levels.

But salmon provides more than just omega-3s. It's also an excellent source of high-quality protein, B vitamins like B12 and B6, selenium, potassium and other vitamins and minerals. Protein becomes increasingly important as we age to help maintain muscle mass and metabolism. Many older adults do not meet their daily protein needs through diet alone. Salmon makes it easy while also supplying other essential nutrients.

Aim to eat salmon at least twice a week to maximize its anti-inflammatory and omega-3 benefits. Choose wild-caught over farmed varieties when possible, as they are less likely to contain contaminants and provide more omega-3s. Try adding salmon to salads, sandwiches, pastas and sheet pan meals for quick and easy ways to enjoy this superfood regularly after 50.


Among non-starchy vegetables, broccoli stands out as a true superfood to eat after 50. It's nutrient-dense but low in calories, making it ideal for healthy aging. One cup of broccoli contains just 30 calories yet delivers over 100% of your daily vitamin C needs plus ample vitamin K, fiber, folate and potassium. At just 30 calories, it packs a serious nutritional punch.

What makes broccoli especially beneficial for aging adults is its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Broccoli contains glucoraphanin, an antioxidant that gets released when the vegetable is chopped, chewed or processed. This antioxidant has been shown to induce the production of enzyme systems in the body that help protect DNA, cells and organs from oxidative damage.

Population studies have identified an association between higher broccoli intake and reduced risks of certain cancers such as lung and prostate cancer. Animal studies also suggest broccoli may support immunity and lower inflammation as we age. As a cruciferous vegetable, broccoli is a great food to eat regularly after the age of 50 to support overall health and longevity.

Steam, roast or sauté broccoli as a tasty side dish or add it raw to salads. Pairing it with a source of healthy fat like olive oil helps boost the antioxidant absorption. Aim for 2-3 servings weekly of this super healthy vegetable.


While beans are always a healthy choice, they take on extra importance in the diet after 50. That's because they are packed with nutrients that many older adults need more of, including protein, fiber, folate, magnesium, potassium and iron. The combination of protein and fiber in beans also helps promote fullness to support weight management as metabolism slows with age.

Importantly, beans provide antioxidants, B vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that support heart health, brain function and disease prevention as we get older. Specifically:

- Fiber: Fiber intake often declines with age yet is crucially important for digestive and heart health. Beans supply soluble and insoluble fiber to help regulate blood sugar levels and support regularity.

- Magnesium: Over half of older adults do not meet the RDA for magnesium, which plays a key role in bone, heart, blood pressure and nerve function. Beans contain magnesium to aid in these processes.

- Iron: As absorption declines with age, many older women struggle with iron levels. Beans supply this essential mineral without the risk of overload like with supplements.

- Antioxidants: Beans contain polyphenol antioxidants linked to reduced chronic disease risk including heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.

Enjoy beans regularly prepared in soups, stews, chilis, salads or simply on their own. Just one serving supplies valuable nutrients to optimize health after 50. Choose varieties like black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, navy beans and chickpeas to add to meals most days of the week.


Turmeric is a warming spice commonly used in Indian cuisine known for its bright yellow-orange hue and earthy, slightly bitter flavor. Beyond culinary uses, turmeric contains the powerful bioactive compound curcumin, which gives the spice its yellow color and provides anti-inflammatory benefits. Reduced inflammation plays an important role in aging healthfully.

Curcumin acts as a potent antioxidant in the body, helping neutralize free radicals and oxidative stress that damage cells and tissues over time. It also regulates the expression of numerous inflammatory genes and enzymes. Research shows turmeric may help support brain, heart, digestive and joint health as we age due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Studies in older adults have found that turmeric supplementation improved memory and cognitive function. Other research suggests it may help defend the aging brain against inflammation and oxidative stress that raise risks for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. More is still to be learned, but including turmeric in the diet after 50 makes sense as an anti-inflammatory agent to aid natural aging processes.

Add a 1⁄4-1⁄2 teaspoon of ground turmeric daily to rice, curries, smoothies or eggs. Look for fresh turmeric root as well as it provides a more beneficial form of curcumin. Enjoy turmeric regularly as an easy way to fight age-related inflammation through your diet.


Garlic holds a special place among superfoods to enjoy after 50 thanks to its infection-fighting and heart-healthy properties. The compound allicin gives garlic its potent aroma and flavor profile. Scientific review finds evidence that allicin and other sulfur-containing compounds in garlic support immunity, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and protect the heart.

Staying healthy as we age depends on maintaining a strong immune system capable of fighting infection. Regular garlic consumption may provide an advantage by supporting natural killer cell activity which detects and destroys tumor cells and viruses. Aged garlic extract shows promise for boosting immunity against things like the common cold at all stages of life.

Garlic also promotes a healthy cardiovascular system in several ways. It contains antioxidants that ward off age-related cell damage to arteries and blood vessels. Compounds like allicin help lower total and LDL "bad" cholesterol levels over time to reduce heart disease risks. Research has even linked regular garlic consumption to a reduced risk of heart attack and stroke specifically in an older population.

Aim to enjoy one clove daily of fresh minced or crushed garlic for its health-protective benefits.

You can add it to stir fries, soups, dips and dressings. Opt for crushed supplements as well for a convenient source of the beneficial allicin compound. Regular garlic use deserves to be part of any anti-aging diet.

Dark Chocolate

Last but certainly not least is dark chocolate, specifically types containing at least 70% cocoa solids. Dark chocolate offers more than just sweet temptation—its unique antioxidants provide real health benefits that become increasingly important as we age. Cocoa is rich in antioxidant plant compounds called flavanols that support cardiovascular and brain health in several key ways.

Flavanols improve blood flow by causing the inner lining of blood vessels to relax, which lowers blood pressure over time. Population studies indicate an association between higher cocoa flavanol intake and reduced risks of heart attack and stroke events, especially in older adults. Flavanols also appear to benefit brain health and cognition as they support communication between neurons.

Additional research links cocoa flavanols to reduced inflammation throughout the body as we age. This may help lower risks for inflammatory conditions like diabetes and arthritis long-term. Flavanols even act as antioxidants inside cells to lessen the damaging effects of free radicals over the years.

When choosing dark chocolate, look for a product containing at least 70% cocoa content with limited added sugars. Enjoy a 1 oz serving a few times per week for benefits without overdoing calories. Dark chocolate makes for an antioxidant-rich treat that can truly aid the aging process when consumed periodically.

Building a Superfood Diet

Eating any one of the seven superfoods discussed provides meaningful benefits. But combining multiple superfoods on a regular basis can truly help optimize health and wellness as you age. Here are some tips for incorporating several of these superfoods into your regular diet after 50:

  • Snack on 1⁄2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries several times per week.
  • Serve salmon for dinner twice a week, varying preparation methods.
  • Add a veggie like steamed broccoli to lunch or dinner daily.
  • Include a bean-based dish like chili twice a week.
  • Sprinkle 1⁄4 teaspoon ground turmeric onto eggs, yogurt or oatmeal daily.
  • Minced garlic adds flavor to many dishes—aim for 1-2 cloves most days.
  • Indulge in 1 oz dark chocolate a few times a week as an antioxidant treat.

Drink plenty of water and eat these nutrient-dense superfoods in combination with other healthy whole foods. Portion size fresh foods, limit processed items, be mindful of calories, and engage in regular physical activity too. Following this type of overall lifestyle pattern after 50 can give your body the tools it needs to stay as strong and healthy as possible.

Remember, small diet changes make a difference over time. Focus on incorporating just one or two new superfoods per week into your routine to optimize nutrient intake without feeling deprived. Your future self will thank you for making the effort now to support long-term wellness through nutrition as you continue to age.

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